Payam Zavieh Online Portfolio

Let me Design
your dream


Who am I ?

My name is Payam Zavieh,
Electrical engineer and web developer based in Tehran, Iran.
Over 15 years of experience in computer graphics.
I am specialized on Illustrations, Graphic and Web development.

  • Web Design
  • Portal Development
  • SEO & Internet marketing
  • Animation & Motion Design
  • Graphic Design
  • UI/UX and App Design
  • Branding & Corporate ID
  • Digital Art & Print

Things I've made

  • SSCO - Substation Company


    Motion Design
  • Siemens


    Motion Design
  • Mohammad Reza Foroutan

    Mohammad Reza Foroutan

    Web Design
  • Football Federation of Iran

    Football Federation of Iran

    Web Design
  • Mekaflex


    Web Design
  • Vinypol


    Corporate ID / Website
  • Darun Logo

    Darun Company

  • The Messenjah

    The Messenjah

    Digital Art

    My Clients

    I partner up and collaborate with innovative companies from all over the world.

    SSCO Logo
    Siemens SSK logo
    Mekaflex Logo
    Iran Football Federation Logo
    Mohammad-Reza Foroutan Logo
    Vinypol Logo

    Copyright © 2004-2024 Payam Zavieh,
    All rights reserved.